AGENDA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION May 29, 1996 MEMBERS Governor Lawton Chiles Commissioner Frank T. Brogan Secretary of State Sandra B. Mortham Attorney General Bob Butterworth Comptroller Robert F. Milligan Treasurer Bill Nelson Commissioner Bob Crawford 9:30 A.M. ROOM LL-03 CAPITOL Contact: Emily Grimm (904) 488-0816 ITEM SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION ADMINISTRATION 1. Minutes of the meeting held on April 9, 1996. (Attachment 1) APPROVAL RULES 2. 6A-1.09401 New: Student Performance Standards (Attachment 2) APPROVAL 3. 6A-10.0315 Amendment: College Preparatory Testing, Placement and Instruction (Attachment 3) APPROVAL APPROVAL 4. 6A-10.0341 Amendment: Vocational Education Student Follow-up Requirements (Attachment 4) APPROVAL DIVISION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES 5. 6A-14.0734 Amendment: Bidding Requirements (Attachment 5) FOR ACTION 6. 6A-14.0765 Amendment: Investment of Funds (Attachment 6) FOR ACTION STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 7. Florida Board of Regents requests approval to exercise its power of eminent domain for the purpose of obtaining property to benefit Florida State University. (Attachment 7) FOR ACTION APPOINTMENTS 8. Appointment to the Tallahassee Community College District Board of Trustees. (Attachment 8) FOR ACTION