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Governor Lawton Chiles
Commissioner Frank T. Brogan Secretary of State Sandra B. Mortham Attorney General Bob Butterworth Comptroller Robert F. Milligan Treasurer Bill Nelson Commissioner Bob Crawford 9:30 A.M. ROOM LL-03 CAPITOL Contact: Emily Grimm (904) 488-0816 ITEM SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION ADMINISTRATION 1. Proposed Contract for the Administration of the Florida Writing Assessment Program for 1996 -1999. (Attachment 1) APPROVAL 2. Adoption of High Priority Location Schools for 1996-1997. (Attachment 2) APPROVAL 3. Approval of Division Directors for the Department of Education. (Attachment 3) APPROVAL 4. Adoption of 1) the Eleventh Supplemental Authorizing Resolution to the Master Authorizing Resolution adopted on July 21, 1992, authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $450,000,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education, Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, 1996 Series, and of 2) a resolution authorizing the public (competitive) sale and delivery of not to exceed $250,000,000 of State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education, Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, 1996 Series A (the "1996 Series A Bonds"). (Attachment 4) APPROVAL 5. Approval of 1996-97 College Reach-Out Program Funding. (Attachment 5) APPROVAL 6. Approval of the guidelines for Innovative Practices Grants. (Attachment 6) APPROVAL RULES 7. 6A-1.0955 Amendment: Education Records of Students (Attachment 7) APPROVAL 8. 6A-1.09982 Amendment: Reporting Requirements for School Improvement and Accountability (Attachment 8) APPROVAL DIVISION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES 9. 6A-14.0247 Amendment: Powers and Duties of the Boards of Trustees (Attachment 9) FOR ACTION 10. 6A-14.0301 New: Withdrawal and Forgiveness (Attachment 10) FOR ACTION 11. Ch. 6A-14 Repeals: (Attachment 11) FOR ACTION State University System 12. 6C-6.0091 Repeal: Spoken English Language Competence of Graduate Students Involved in Classroom Instruction. (Attachment 12) APPROVAL 13. 6CER96-1 Emergency Rule: Tuition, Fee Schedule and Percentage of Cost (Attachment 13) APPROVAL 14. 6C-7.001 Amendment: Tuition, Fee Schedule and Percentage of Cost (Attachment 14) APPROVAL APPOINTMENTS 15. Appointment and Reappointments to the Manatee Community District Board of Trustees. (Attachment 15) FOR ACTION